Friday, June 13, 2014

The Brazen Serpent

Numbers 21:4-9

The Story:
The Israelites had been defending themselves from enemies who wanted them out of the land. They had sought the Lord’s help in battling them and the Lord had blessed them with victories. Despite their victories the children on Israel complained about the route they had been take through. They murmured against God, and Moses because the route they had been led through was harsh for them since there was no water or food for them. The “Lord sent fiery serpents among the people,” because of their murmuring (Num. 21: 6).  Many people died from being bit. The Israelites soon realized that they had sinned, and asked Moses to “pray unto the Lord, that he take away the serpents from [them]”  (Num. 21:7).  The Lord decided to use this as a teaching moment for His people. Instead of taking the serpents away, He told Moses to make “a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole…if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived” (Num. 21: 9). The Israelites only had to look at the serpent of brass, and they would be healed and live.

How does this pertain to us?
The Brazen serpent symbolizes Jesus Christ and His atonement. This symbolism is explained in Helaman 8:14-15, “And as [Moses] lifted up the brazen serpent in the wilderness, even so shall [Jesus Christ] be lifted up who should come. And as many as should look upon that serpent should live, even so as many as should look upon the Son of God with faith, having a contrite spirit, might live, even unto that life which is eternal.”
There are times when we are like the children of Israel of ancient. We tend to complain or murmur against our fellowmen, or the Lord for hardships that occur to us in our lives. We become unhappy because we don’t understand why these things happen to us. We expect to be blessed and for our lives to run smoothly, yet our attitudes and lives don’t reflect these desires. We usually turn to our families, friends, and sometimes-church letters, to be healed, who are all great, but we should “look” unto the Savior for true healing. Each one of us can all “look to” Jesus Christ for healing. By repenting and believing in Christ we come closer to Him, and in return He blesses us salvation. Aside from physical healing, if we “look” unto the Savior, He can heal us by providing with comfort, and strength to endure our hardships. Knowing that He gave His life for us to be able to repent, and be cleansed so we can feel joy again shows us that we are not alone here on Earth, and His endless love for us. There are simple things in the gospel of Jesus Christ that can help heal us. Prayer, scripture reading, attending church, keeping the commandments, and being around our loved ones are all things that we can all do to help us in the healing process.

Being inactive from church for about seven years, I needed the healing power of the atonement in my life. I had relied on my own abilities, and didn’t think I needed Christ in my life. Distancing myself from the Lord, and the gospel, was the worst thing I could have ever done because of the sorrow, and pain I felt during those years. I was miserable, and in so much need of having the Lord in my life. Through the atonement, I was able to repent and correct my mistakes. I was able to become clean again, and feel the Lord’s love and blessings. I still have hardships, and difficult times, but I find things more bearable with Christ in my life. I am grateful for the atonement and the healing it provides me with daily. I am grateful for the Lord and for his unconditional love for us. He is always willing to help and heal us, if we just look for Him, and believe in Him.

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