Thursday, May 1, 2014

A Tower to Reach Heaven

Today's lesson is from Genesis 11:1-9. 

What was the stated purpose of building a tower? 
The stated purposes of building a tower were so that they could reach Heaven, and ultimately make a name for themselves.

Why do you think this angered the Lord?
I believe this angered the Lord because they were “trying” to reach Heaven in a way different that what the Lord has taught us. There is only one way we will make it to Heaven and that is through our Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ. 

What did God do to scatter the people?

God decided to confuse the languages so that the people couldn’t really understand each other and communicate. He then went onto scattering the people for defiling and disbelieving in Him. 

How did the Jaredites from the Book of Mormon fit into this story? 
The Jaredites were righteous people who lived during the construction of the tower. They didn’t want their language to be confounded. Jared, knowing that his brother was a man of the Lord, asked him to pray to God on behalf of their families that they may be spared and not have their language confused so that they may be able to understand and communicate with each other. The Lord granted their desire by not confounding their language. Jared then asked his brother to plea to the Lord on behalf of their friends and their friend’s families that their language may not be confounded either. The Lord answered their prayer by not confounding their language. Then Jared knowing that they would be scattered, had his brother ask the Lord if they were going to have to move, and if so, where to. The Lord answered Jared’s brother by telling him to go and gather all of his family, friends, seeds of every kind, and his flocks, both male and female, and that he would guide them to a “land which is choice above all the lands of the earth.” The Lord blessed them for believing in him and praying unto him.

So what does this teach us? How can we receive a name for ourselves today?
This story clearly tells us that there is no other way to Heaven, except it be through the Lord and our Redeemer Jesus Christ. Sometimes we may be tempted to think that we can do it all ourselves. We rely on our own abilities and forget to counsel with the Lord and seek his strength. Sometimes we don't even want to rely on our families or friends. The Lord has told us that in order to return to live with Him, we must be baptized and make covenants with Him. We must take upon ourselves the name of Christ, which is the only name that will set us free and save us. To take the name of Christ upon us we must live righteous lives, and be obedient. We must be good examples, and seek to love and help our families, friends, and those around us. He will bless us with a "choice" spot next to Him in his kingdom if we do these things from here on out, "until the end of [our] lives".  I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Additional Scriptures:
Helaman 6:28
Ether 1:3-4
Ether 1:33-43
Acts 4:12
Mosiah 3:17, 5:7-15
Doctrine and Covenants 18:21-25

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